I cannot believe it is almost a year since I was due to start my beginners sewing class at The Studio. My mums old sewing machine was serviced and ready to go and I was excited to learn a new skill. I had been an avid fan of The Great British Sewing Bee for years and was keen to have a go myself.
Then that thing happened, lockdown. All face to face classes were cancelled. Not to be deterred and with nothing to lose I booked on The Studio’s very first zoom class, making the Merchant and Mills Jack Tar bag. Despite being a complete beginner I was never discouraged, in fact it was the complete opposite. I was taken through every step from cutting out the pattern to constructing and sewing the pieces together. I was delighted with the finished project. I loved it, and proudly posted a picture on Instagram.
Fast forward a year and I am currently in the middle of my 10th zoom sew along, making the Pietra Pants and the Pussy Bow Blouse sew-along booked after this.
Even though I hadn’t even looked at a sewing machine since my teens Kaye, Elaine and the rest of the Studio students have been there every step of the way offering help and guidance. As a result I have made dresses, tops, shirts and now trousers. I don’t think any of the finished garments have been perfect, in fact a couple I have nearly thrown across the room (Agnes and Bonnie!), but the vast majority are wearable and I am improving all the time.
Over the last year sewing has become very much part of me. It started with me making room on the kitchen table to cut out patterns, and now there is fabric and thread appearing all over the house. I have recently revamped an area in my kitchen to be a dedicated sewing space. A space that belongs to me and all my bits and pieces. There is also the fabric stash I seem to have collected, but the less I say about that the better in case hubby reads this!
Sewing has definitely improved my mental health and provided me with a focus and challenge away from the stresses of work, furlough, home schooling and covid. It has been a constant companion by my side at a time that has seen many ups and downs over the last year. As well as the sew-alongs, there is also the friendly banter of the Sunday sewing group. I may be a quiet one, but value this opportunity to see what everyone is making and talk about everything from fabric to the US election.
So what is next? I have so much yet to learn and look forward to face to face sew alongs at the studio in the near future. I have stretch fabric to master, the challenge of fitting and adapting patterns to my ever changing size and also my recent overlocker skills to practice. The one thing I do know, I will keep on sewing and learning with the help of The Studio at Number 30 family.